Housing Cooperative

We are a diverse group of individuals hailing from various corners of the globe, spanning multiple generations, professional domains, and belief systems. Yet, it is precisely these dissimilarities that bind us together and make us whole. We share a deep-seated passion for fostering human and environmental connections, and as such, we are fervently working towards the creation of a community that embodies simplicity and humanity.
Our collective goal is to establish a haven where healthy living, personal growth, and the stewardship of both land and people are paramount. As we journey together towards our shared vision, we embrace love and joy as our guiding principles, moving at the pace of the collective consciousness. In this pursuit, we recognize that time is the most valuable asset afforded to us as individuals and as a species.
The Colmeia 62 Cooperative aims to accommodate different types of people and families. This project will embrace diversity by:

Allowing for the fact that some can contribute more than others financially through the financial mechanisms we put in place.
Welcoming generational diversity with young people, families and the elderly.
Establishing cultural diversity with an openness to all nationalities, whilst using Portuguese as our language of interaction and work.

The challenge we set ourselves is to offer different types of housing according to the needs of everyone in the project. But also, to be able to easily adapt spaces and accommodation to adjust to the usual changes that occur in everyone's life (arrival of a child, separation, children leaving the home, etc.). Rethinking the habitat to make it modular and adjustable to the vagaries of life is essential.

It is fundamental to the project that we aspire to live in a community that generates harmony between humans and with nature: to create a place where humans improve rather than degrade the land. We aim to:
Have a minimal carbon footprint;
Source the most local, sustainable building materials possible;
Ensuring our construction site is as clean as possible;
Construct buildings that consume the minimum of resources;
And live in sober and well-designed spaces.

The co-operative operates with a consensual decision-making process. This process involves any important decision starting with a proposal presented to the group, followed by clarification requests and rounds of contributions to improve the proposal. For a decision to be adopted, it is necessary that no veto be used by any member of the group.

We are organized into Commissions which work on different aspects of the project. The Commissions present their proposals in the Decisions Circle where the Consent Decision making process takes place.

All members participate in a minimum of one Commission and a maximum of 50% of the Commissions. The contribution to a Commission is made according to the desires of each, regardless of the skills. We think the best way to keep people motivated is by letting them contribute on topics that bring them joy.

conflict mediation
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financial system
is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes
Mediação de conflitos
Em vez de tentar evitar os conflitos, buscamos no projeto aumentar as nossas capacidades na gestão de conflitos. Promovemos uma rede de escuta empática e apoio através de ferramentas como o Fórum , a Comunicação Não-Violenta ou os Círculos Restaurativos. Consideramos os conflitos como oportunidades de crescimento individual e coletivo dentro do projeto.

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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me.